Here are some people's 'tributes', as it were. Meaning, fanfics associated with our favourite Pokemon. ^_^.
No point crying
by Leto
A longer short story, if you can have such a thing. ^_^. About Jessie and Arbok.
Snake's Tears
by Matrix
A good short one from Arbok's point of view, on its master.
by Charmander_gurl
A very good short story from Ekans' point of view in the episode "Island of the Giant Pokémon". It's sweet.
Second Chances
by Charmander_gurl
Another great short story. Can a strong friendship be broken? A Jessie and Arbok fic.
Tall Grass
by me
A (very) short story. Uh, not much to say of it really. Ekans fic.
by Eric
A parody fic, it's very cute. Poor Arbok. :(
Price of a Meal
by Sierra
The way things work in the wild...
No fanart as of yet.
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